Friday, February 15, 2013


Kateri arrived on January 25, and I have been so slow about posting her pictures! I apologize, I've had a lot of work and a lot of projects going lately. Like my other girls, she is a porcelain BJD made by JRDolls, and is 35cm tall. I named her after Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, who I admire very much. I think this doll is beautiful and sweet, very loving, just like the real Kateri :) Here is the first picture I took of her when she arrived:

Here are a couple of pics I just took of her today. She is holding pieces that I wove for her, I am still working on this project, but I want to make her a skirt out of them - they all have cute little llamas on them, and are made of 100% colorgrown cotton. I am pretending that she took a trip to Peru ^_^ The first photo shows her holding a piece with llamas at night under the stars. The second piece depicts llamas during the day, with a volcano in the background.

I will post more photos of this llama skirt as they are completed. Of course, Kateri will be modeling them all!

Waiting for lunch...

Ringo was quite sad while waiting for lunch today. It seemed to take ever so long! *sigh* Such a hungry little man... He kept making little groaning noises. So very sad.

But, you will be glad to know that this story has a happy ending! Ringo finally had his yummy lunch, and now he's in my lap sleeping - one of his favorite things to do (other than eating), is to be held while I work on the computer. So he's very happy right now :D